Donate to the Aurora Martinolich D'Amico Medical Fund Critical Care For the Most Vulnerable Animals
Homeward Trails helps hundreds of animals annually who have treatable but expensive injuries and illnesses. A donation to the Aurora Martinolich D’Amico Medical Fund helps ensure that funds are available when these animals need us.
Animals with broken limbs. heartworm, FIV/FelV, eye injuries, etc. are often the first to be euthanized. Your donation can give them the chance at life they deserve.
You can make a donation to the Aurora Martinolich D’Amico Medical Fund to help these most vulnerable animals. You can donate online or donate by check.
To donate to the fund by check, simply write a check to “Homeward Trails Animal Rescue” and write “Medical Fund” in the memo line. Send it to:
Homeward Trails Animal Rescue
PO Box 100968
Arlington, VA 22210
Our goal is to have a minimum of $10,000 in this fund at all times so that we never have to turn away a sick or injured animal.

Shameless... we know. But there are tons of ways you can help!

About Aurora Martinolich D’Amico
Aurora loved animals all her life. While she was primarily a cat lover and was caretaker to many cats over her life, she donated to save the lives of many other animals from dogs abandoned in Afghanistan to horses abandoned after their racing career had ended.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, after losing her cats, Aurora found Homeward Trails. She wanted a bonded pair and came across Patches and Tuck who we adopted and rechristened Mercy and Glory. Mercy and Glory both benefited from the Medical Fund to have the dental needs addressed.
Aurora made many donations to sponsor medical needs for Homeward Trails animals, and she was always happy to have an update on how the sick and injured animals were doing. She would surely smile down from heaven on anyone who follows suit and donates to the fund that now bears her name.
In addition to the initial sponsorship of $10,000 Aurora’s husband Blaine will match all donations made to this fundraiser dollar for dollar until February 29th. You can donate here: